

MomLife Today

MomLife Todaytablet screenshot MomLife Todayphone screenshot responsive web design mockup

MomLife Today is a blog with advice, encouragement, and resources for moms. The blog has been publishing for over 10 years and features over 2000 posts by authors such as Barbara Rainey, Darcy Kimmel, and Heather Hawkins. Brad Wofford did the information architecture, UX design, and visual design for this project. I did the front end code (HTML, CSS, Javascript) and created the custom WordPress theme. I set up a custom search feature and Facebook commenting system. I carefully implemented technical SEO and URL redirection to make sure all of the content maintained its search ranking. I provide training and support for MomLife staff who are making improvements to existing posts and publishing new content. It was exciting to provide a fresh, modern, user-friendly design for a site so rich in quality content and loved by its audience.

This site has recently been sold to a new owner and redesigned by someone else. But the site I built served MomLife Today well for about eight years.