

Why Me?

You’ve got options. In fact when it comes to getting a website made there are too many options. So let me tell you a few things that distinguish me from other options. If these things sound good, then maybe we should work together. Contact me and we’ll talk about what you need.

10,000 hours? I hit 20,000 hours years ago.

I’ve heard it said that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in something. Well, if that’s true, then I’ve already finished my second lap around that track. I’ve been eating, sleeping, and breathing all things web since 2007. The 10 years prior to that I was up to my elbows in the related disciplines of video production, photography, and graphic design. Other folks have hobbies like golf, hunting, or watching Nascar. Not me. I do web.  On the weekends, you’ll find me at my favorite coffee shop sipping a latte and working on a website. Long drive?  I’ll be binge-listening to Shoptalk Show or other web design podcasts.  I read books, go to conferences, read blogs, follow industry leaders on Twitter and click all their links. It takes a lot of work to stay ahead of the curve in this fast-paced industry and that’s what I do because I love this stuff.

Every Rocky needs a Mickey.

As you’re slugging your way through the world of internet business, you need someone with wisdom and experience in your corner.  Someone who can squirt water in your mouth and check out that cut over your eye.  I’m your guy. I’m not just in the business of making websites.  I’m in the business of your business.  My goal is your success.  That means I start by understanding your goals and needs. You may not need a website or you may need much more than a website. Either way, I will give you good advice. I’ve been working in the creative, digital, marketing space for a long time and if what you need isn’t something I do, I can point you in the right direction.

I like to say “yes.”

When you say, “can you move that,” “make it look like this,” or “make it do that” I like to say “Yes.”  Many website solutions get you 80% of what you want quickly and easily, but when it comes to the last 20% you run into the limitations of the platform. I’m not just a theme-installer or plugin-setter-upper. I can do those things as well as the next guy, but I’m also a developer and a designer. If you need something done, I can find a way to make it happen.

Quality craftsmanship

Responsive web design is difficult. It’s really hard to make things look good when there are so many different devices and varying content.  Have you ever visited a website that is clearly supposed to work on your phone, but it just doesn’t or it just looks sloppy or broken in places?  I carefully test on different devices and tweak the content and design until everything looks and works just right. That quick, easy, cheap website solution may get you 80% of the way to a good website, but the last 20% is what makes your website stand out from rest and accomplish your goals.

Are you feeling it?

If you think I might be a good fit for your project, contact me. I’d love to talk with you.

Contact Me

Robbie is a true CSS artisan and I highly recommend him. He is undeniably an asset for any organization looking to enhance their digital marketing efforts.
Chris McNabb Founder, President & CEO iClassPro

Chris McNabb

Founder, President & CEO

Robbie has been (over 16 years) and continues to be instrumental for Pine Cove as he pushes us to be an industry leader in website design and integration with Salesforce. Without hesitation I highly recommend Robbie Jones for your digital needs. He is results driven, fueled by challenging work, and most importantly a man of integrity.
Reed Livesay President & CEO Pine Cove

Reed Livesay

President & CEO
Pine Cove

Robbie has been a friend, trusted advisor, and general website guru for me for over 10 years. He has worked on projects for me in large organizations, small organizations and for my personal website. As a constant learner, Robbie's advice is current and well-informed, which gives me great confidence to go with whatever he recommends. He has my highest of recommendations.
Kevin East President The Mentoring Alliance

Kevin East

The Mentoring Alliance

I have worked with Robbie for 5 years and continue to go back to him. Robbie worked with me personally and helped me build a business not just build a website. He is a true partner for me.
Dave Anderson Author, Speaker, Leadership Trainer Anderson Leadership Solutions

Dave Anderson

Author, Speaker, Leadership Trainer
Anderson Leadership Solutions